There are moments in life that literally shape us and change the trajectory in which we are headed. Those moments are tools that fine-tune or “define” us for our God-given purpose and ultimate destiny. They are not the end of the story but a launching pad for where we are headed. I believe these “defining moments” and the lessons we learn from them are the fuel that makes us “UNSTOPPABLE”. I look back over my own story I now view what I thought was trouble as training. I had to change my perspective to a place of gratitude recognizing God trusts His Own with trouble. I have had to personally “Do the Work” to come out UNstoppable after personal battles with relationships, weight, infidelity, death, depression, slander and the list goes on! I want to encourage you my reader to do the same as you endeavor to shift your thinking to become your best version of “Unstoppable”. What was meant to stop you has only shaped you! Let's do the work together...we are Unstoppable!